This page was last updated Saturday, April 7, 2007
Note that all Program Options changes are applied immediately.

RX - Provides a couple of options for customising how the received signal is processed.

Clock Error - The clock error is only calculated after a continuous period of 10 seconds of open squelch reception. The slider sets the time interval after which the most recently calculated clock error is cleared.

IMD - IMD is only calculated during periods of `idle' signals. The slider sets the time interval after which the most recently calculated IMD value is cleared.

Display Group:

Options exist for Enabling/Disabling displaying Emoticons (Smileys), Slash Zero, Compress lines and Compress spaces.

Input Signal Group:

There is an option to Enable/Disable the reduction of the input signal if an overload condition is detected. Sounds like a switchable audio AGC system

Created 2004 by Kevin Crockett. Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to VK3CKC