The Tags Manager is used for defining tags. A tag contains a title field - examples of tags are: Callsign, QTH and Rig. Notice that there are some tags that are supplied with the program and cannot be edited as they relate to the received station and the logbook. You will also notice that the tags that appeared in the startup screen are also listed.
The checkbox to the left of each tag enables or disables the tag.
'My Station' tags are used to store your information such as My Callsign, My Name, My QTH etc. These are used as part of the information contained in Macros. It is easier to change the value of a single tag than all the macros where the same text occurs.
You can add the value into the Tx window by double-clicking on the title.
To load a value into a tag either edit inside the Tags window or double-click on text inside the Rx window, where received text is displayed, and drop it into the appropriate tag.
There are a number of buttons and similar menu selections to help you with creating or editing your tags.
New button - The New tag definition window is very simple. All that is required is to give the tag a title, enable the tag for use in the program and identify it as containing your information.
Copy button - Copies a selected tag to the Tag editor for editing. Once edited, it can be saved as a separate Tag.
Edit button - Calls up an existing Tag for editing.
Delete button - Deletes an existing, selected Tag with a warning prompt.
Sort button - Sorts existing Tags alphabetically.
Up Arrow button - Moves a selected Tag up in the listed order.
Down Arrow button - Moves a selected Tag down in the listed order.
Load button - Loads alternative Tag definitions from another file.
Save button - Saves current Tag definitions to either the existing, open file or to an alternative file.